What is a Capacitor? Types and Connection TypesCapacitor is mainly used as a capacitance-storage element in electrical and electronic circuits.Capacitors produced by placing an insulator material betw...
Led Dri̇ver Ci̇rcui̇t Wi̇th Bc547 Transi̇stor...
Led driver circuit with BC547 TransistorThis type of connection is used in low power output circuits where it is necessary to light the LED.For example, in a system with a microprocessor or microcontr...
Square Wave Generator Wi̇th 555
Square Wave Generator with 555 The circuit output frequency, whose connection type is shown in the picture, is calculated with the following formula: Frequency = 1.44 / (R1+2R2) x C1
Connecti̇on Types Of Resi̇stors
Connection Types of ResistorsResistors are circuit elements that appear in almost every electronic circuit. According to the circuit design, they are the circuit elements that come up with different c...
Voltage, Current, Resi̇stance Concepts
Voltage, Current, Resistance ConceptsVoltage unit is Volt, Current unit is Ampere and Resistance unit is Ohm.In the example circuit, the total resistance of the circuit is RT = R1 + R2 + R3 Ohms.When ...
2N2222A Transi̇stor
2N2222A Transistor The 2N2222 transistor is mostly used as a switching transistor. Relay, led etc. There are areas of application when it is necessary to drive the electronic circuit circuit. It can ...
74373 Ic
74373 IC The 74373 IC consists of 8 D-Type flip-flops. It sees data and buffering in digital circuits with low power and impedance outputs. When data entry is provided; For LE piniLOW-->HIGHT dat...