555 Metronome Circuit The circuit in the picture is a metronome circuit that can be easily made with a 555.Frequency adjustment R1, R2, R3 AND C1 elements are made. The frequency is calculated using ...
Colpi̇tts Osci̇llator
Colpitts Oscillator The Colpitts Oscillator is a more stable type of oscillator with a wide frequency range compared to the Hartley oscillator. The sum of C1 and C2 is found by 1/CT=(1/C1)( +(1/C2).
8255 Pıo Integrati̇on
8255 PIO Integration8255 is an interface integration that provides data exchange/exchange with I/O devices in systems with microprocessor and microcontroller. They are produced in DIP-40, CLCC, PLCC s...
Transi̇stor Equi̇valents Of Logi̇c Gates
Transistor Equivalents of Logic GatesTransistor equivalents of AND, OR, NOT Gates, which are the basic Logical gates, are shown in the picture.When very few logical gates should be used in electronic ...
Usi̇ng Zener As A Voltage Regulator
Using Zener as a Voltage RegulatorZener Diode:Zener diode is made of P and N type semiconductor materials. It is made of silicone. They are diodes that keep the voltage applied to their ends constant....
Ne566 - Voltage Controlled Osci̇llator (Vco)
NE566 - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)There are other voltage-controlled oscillators like the 555. Some of the VCOs provide more than just square wave output.For example, the NE566 function gener...
Audi̇o Mi̇xer Ci̇rcui̇t
4-Input Audio Mixer Audio mixers are basically summation amplifiers. According to the circuit in the figure, four different audio inputs are superimposed to create a superimposed output signal. The...